Time to Meet Your Sensuous Siren and Sylph Swan Match!
What Type of Sexy Are You, Gorgeous?
You’re now familiar with the story behind the CharmaineLouise Intimates Collections and at this point you’re wondering—Well, where do I fit into all of this? Am I a Sensuous Siren or a Sylph Swan? How can I find out…?
Well, Gorgeous, allow us to introduce you to your little helper: the Four types of sexy. Which are you? Quiz to perfectly match your kind of sexy!
The fun, interactive Quiz will help you to figure out your inner sensuous siren, sylph swan, or perhaps a combination of both—why settle for only one mood when you can satisfy your alter ego. Then, you’ll be paired with the Collection that best meets your needs: Ginger Bombshell, Diana Showstopper, Jackie Timeless, Lena Classic.
Once you’re in your new Sexy Under Things and you’re lounging ever so seductively on the sofa awaiting your lover’s return—the feel of silk oh so sensuous against your bare skin or the decadent pleasure of luxurious cashmere draped around you—will be a pleasant sight for them. Leading to a long, hard night of pure orgasmic bliss. Your lover will thank you and you’ll thank us!
First, meet your match with the Quiz, then let us know all about it. Of course, we don’t believe in TMI, so do share, share, share. We love to hear from you!
Comment below and post your look and thoughts on our CharmaineLouise Intimates Facebook page.
Fulfill Your Desires.
Charmaine Louise
P.S. Stay tuned for our 4-part series on each Sensuous Siren and Sylph Swan type. Up first, Ginger the Bombshell!
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