Time to Meet Your Sexy Fantasy Match!
What Type of Lover Are You, Sexy?
Years ago, I came up with a mantra that helped me to figure out the type of sexy lover that I wanted to be the most:
Or simply put: Live my sex life as I wanted to live it without any reservations or concerns of what others thought or society dictated. Very liberating, like going panty less under skirts and dresses!
For me, that means exploring different ways to experience pleasure with a lover or self-induced (or seduced, if you will). I found that I reach my peak through visual and auditory means. Enough about me, this is about you, Sexy!
Take a moment to think of what type of sexy lover FANTASY you want to be or already are now. Write it down and refer to it frequently to remind yourself to Fulfill Your Desires.
Need some help figuring out your Sexy Fantasy? Your little helper is the Four types of lovers. Which are you? Quiz to match your Sexy Fantasy: sub, Voyeur, Dominatrix, or Dominatrix sub Switch.
Once you’ve met your match, let us know all about it. We love to hear from you!
Comment below, join the CharmaineLouise Books Coterie Fan Club, and engage with us and other contemporary romance novel readers on our CharmaineLouise Books Facebook page to share your Sexy Fantasy type and thoughts.
Celebrate You!
Fulfill Your Desires.
Charmaine Louise
P.S. Stay tuned for our 4-part series on each Sexy Fantasy type. Up first, the sub!
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